Can you please tell us about your studies and experience at Warnborough College?
Warnborough College has been an excellent experience for me. It provided the necessary flexibility and my professional trajectory recognition to complete my doctorate degree in
Education. My PhD has been a long-term aspiration since I entered the teaching profession. My appointed mentor, Dr Callie Alford, excelled in her guidance and thorough work. Her mentorship was not only professional but also friendly and opportune, allowing me to finish my dissertation within an ideal time.

What motivated you to choose and complete a PhD in Education?
As an educator, I have spent much of my professional career working at schools and occupying different educational managerial positions, which I value and appreciate enormously. However,
after more than three decades devoted to Primary and Secondary Education, I felt an inner need to expand my professional activities to Higher Education as well. There I could exercise a more direct influence on future teachers. My doctorate with Warnborough helped me to achieve this aim, as it enabled me to apply for different positions within the Chilean university system.
After completing your studies, what doors did your qualification and experience open for you?
Currently, I work as an academic researcher at Universidad SEK (USEK) and I am also in charge of developing the English programme for the university. Additionally, I am a member of the USEK teaching committee and the doctorate programme council. I also collaborate on the Universidad Andrés Bello master’s degree programme in Higher Education Teaching, imparting on the Active
Teaching Strategies subject.
How did you apply the knowledge and experience gained at Warnborough to these projects and opportunities?

My role as researcher has boosted my international career by providing the necessary qualification and support to lecture and present at important conferences worldwide. At this very moment, I
am preparing my research agenda, which should lead to some new publications and presentations. WC has also played an important role in these new opportunities, thanks to their vast network of connections and the many collaboration agreements they have signed. Just as an example, I knew about IVETA when I attended my graduation ceremony in Canterbury and I immediately decided to join this association. Barely after a year, I had the privilege to present at an IVETA Europe conference in Bulgaria.
One distinguishing quality of Warnborough’s is the importance they give to their alumni. Their authorities are always close, available and interested in what you are doing. Through Warnborough’s complete and varied newsletter, you are always well-informed and up-dated not only of the current developments, but also in touch with Warnborough’s interesting history. They really know how to develop a sense of community.
Can you please tell us what are you currently working on and what your future plans are?
My plans for the near future consists of consolidating my university academic position, fostering a career as international consultant and searching for collaboration opportunities that may tie me to transcendent global educational projects.
Dr Tulio Barrios Bulling completed his PhD in Education at Warnborough College in 2018. This interview was conducted in February 2020.
For more information about our PhD programmes, please click here (opens in a new window).