Message from the VP of Alumni Relations
In 2018, Warnborough, as a whole, will be celebrating its 45th anniversary. It has certainly had a long history of accomplishments and achievements. Throughout the years there have been strong dedication and great commitment to provide sound learning opportunities to a wide range of students. I meet so many students and graduates today who still sing praises of their ‘Warnborough experience’.
The Warnborough family is international, and as I travel to alumni meetings throughout the world I am impressed with the support and enthusiasm I receive. It is gratifying to meet successful alumni in all walks of life, who express openly their thanks and gratitude for the opportunities provided to them by Warnborough.
In 1987, the Archbishop of Canterbury facilitated my appointment as Honorary Chaplain to Warnborough College, UK, and I still fulfil this role today. Also, I have been responsible for the Australian Studies Programme begun in 1985. I am now responsible for initiating networking among alumni. My loyalty to Warnborough and its vision is unquestionable, and I am thankful that Warnborough has been an important part of my life and ministry.

Rev’d. Canon Dr. Richard G. Martin
Vice-President for Alumni Relations (WWAA)
Chaplain to Warnborough College, UK
Canon, All Saints Anglican Church, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia