
There are many opportunities for networking. Here are some ideas:
- Make sure you are registered and your contact details are current.
- Form a local alumni chapter, or join the one closest to you.
- Organise and/or participate in alumni events near you (or far).
- Keep in contact with your course mates, peer buddies, and faculty members. Get them to renew their contact with Warnborough and update their details.
- Check Warnborough websites regularly for news and information about alumni gatherings.
- Ensure that your records are kept up-to-date.
- Subscribe to the Warnborough e-zine.
- Attend our graduations and functions around the world.
- Write in to tell us about happenings in your life, or those of your course mates.
- Help us come up with new ways to increase and improve connectivity with other Warnboroughites.
- Make donations and endowments or sponsor events and publications to keep the Warnborough dream alive.
As you are all aware, Warnborough is a community-based organisation and has the best interests of all its stakeholders at heart.