Events and Reunions

No events near you?
Why not organise your own?
Do you want to be part of an event or reunion? If one is happening near you, why not organise one yourself or with your friends?
See the steps here and contact us.
We will do our best to support you.
Be it an alumni gathering, fundraising dinner, or professional development opportunity, talk to us. We can help with ideas, lists of names and contact information, promotion, and other things.
Give people time to plan things and secure their availability. No point in organising a big party and only 2 people turn up!
Choose a venue that is easy to get to, and that will interest people to go. If the event is in England or Ireland, we will be pleased to offer our facilities for an event (within reason) at a nominal cost. Otherwise, you can choose your own venue (but be mindful of costs for venue hire/catering, etc.).
You may want to charge a fee for attending to cover costs, or for fundraising for Warnborough. You need to consider how you want to manage all of this... including registrations, ticketing (if any), reminders, participant information, etc.
We can help you to contact your fellow alumni, create RSVP mechanisms, help with ticketing, market the event/activity, and other things. You will be able to assess your fellow alumni interest and get an idea of numbers for your event.
We will create notices on all our sites and social media, with the dates, venues, and registration information.
Take plenty of photographs, videos and comments. These will be useful as a testimonial to the success of the event, and will help us to keep our name up and proud. Send your media to us and we will publish these in our publications and websites too.